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Package of 10 Magnetotherapy (Bob)
And another package of 10 FREE saving £300
This additional package can be used by urself or you can gift this to another person. We can provide you with a gift voucher if required.
We recently launched magnetotherapy has been very busy. It looks like a giant MRI machine, and in here over the last five, six weeks, we've been putting many of you through our magnetotherapy machine, Bob. So, you've been on Bob, and many of us are getting various different results, from myself with my hip joint, I have a hip replacement in my left hip. So, when I looked at the research on this, many of my clients, including myself, were thinking,
"Should I use magnetotherapy if I've had a joint replacement?"
And the short answer is you should be using it. You should be using it, especially if you've had a joint replacement. So, imagine you had a little foreign body in your finger, like something just sticking in. Think about the irritation and the inflammation that you get around that. Your body's trying to get rid of it. Essentially, with a joint implant, and I'm sure your surgeon would've explained that to you when they went through the indications of your joint replacement, that any irritant, any foreign body in your body, your body rejects it. It doesn't like it, and essentially it causes inflammation, and that area becomes painful chronic inflamed irritation, and you end up with pain associated with that. Where you get inflammation, infection tends to be drawn to that area.
Any metal in your body is a chronic irritant, which can cause inflammation around the joint, which essentially causes weakening around the bone, and that's why the joint replacements won't last forever. It's not that the joint wears out. It's our tissue around that joint, and the joint becomes loose because your body's rejecting it, and you're not getting what's called osseointegration, so you're not getting that new bone integrating around the joint. Magnetotherapy is known to build, so it helps with osseointegration. Magnetotherapy causes osseointegration to be improved, and it makes osseointegration more likely to happen. That's an example of one use.
Magnetotherapy should be part of your life if you've got a joint replacement like a knee, hip, or ankle.
Regarding how often you should have it, you should have 10 sessions of magnetotherapy twice a year. You should have two blocks of 10 sessions, and I'll get to the Black Friday promotion for those who have been on it and found the effects excellent.
Magnetotherapy isn't just for joint replacements. It is used for conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain, inflammation where we just can't put our finger on it. Osteoarthritic changes, if you have osteoarthritis in your body, you must come in and use magnetotherapy.
My husband didn't have any pain in his body, but he's struggled to sleep, he's always struggled to sleep, and he's been using magnetotherapy for the last five weeks, he would tell you himself he not only is sleeping better. As a result of this, sleeping better, he has more energy, he's up early, and he doesn't feel like he's got that black cloud and no energy. And also, he has managed to drop at least a stone. He refuses to weigh himself, but looking at him, you would see it.
Now, I'm not saying that using magnetotherapy will help you lose weight, but certainly, as a byproduct of how your brain is affected by magnetotherapy in terms of that mental health side of magnetotherapy, it is pretty astounding the number of patients that have reported back saying the clarity of they feel, the energy they feel, the better sleeping that they're getting. And this is an excellent result of magnetotherapy. Also, things like headaches, so if you suffer from chronic headaches and migraines, these are the types of conditions it can help with. Anything where it's bones, many of our clients are perimenopausal and postmenopause. Things like bone density, building up your bone density, and osteoporosis are great reasons to have magnetotherapy.
The treatment protocol for magnetotherapy would be dosing reasonably quickly in 10 sessions. So you would get 10 sessions in as promptly as you can. Ideally, daily, but let's face it, that will be unrealistic for most people. So you need to at least be coming in once, if not twice a week, but as many times as you can get in to get through that first course of treatment. And then, after that, you would generally do another block of 10 in six months, depending on your condition. Especially with joint replacements if you've got osteoarticular diseases, such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Many of our clients have done their 10 sessions and found their pain massively reduced with their osteoarthritis, and what they're doing is topping up with a monthly session. But with that, you would still do a big 10-dose session twice a year. The exact joint replacements. Fibromyalgia really does how you cope with that and what you need.
What we're doing for this Black Friday is, first off, we are offering a free trial. So if you would like a free trial with no expectations, come in and try magnetotherapy at no charge. You'll get a full treatment, which is half an hour, and there'll be no charge for that. We're only doing 20 places in this because what we are going to do is, for those of you who are getting a bundle of magnetotherapy, we have magnetotherapy sessions come in a block of 10, and your block of 10 sessions costs £300. £300 will get you 10 magnetotherapy sessions. What we are doing for Black Friday is giving you two blocks for that. So, you'll get an additional block of 10 for the price of that first 10. We are going to, and we're only going to do this once. We'll never rerun this.
There will be 20 spaces for this, so if you're watching this, it is live, and you will see how many are left on this screen. The ability to buy it will go when they've all gone. So, we will give you two blocks of 10. Now, you can use those two blocks of 10 for yourself, or if you would like a gift voucher and gift that to somebody, you can.
Imagine you've got your block of magnetotherapy, and then you could gift that to somebody you love or a friend or a partner, a fantastic gift worth £300. You're essentially getting two blocks, or you've got a joint replacement, you've got fibromyalgia, you've got osteoarthritis, you've got some pain, chronic pain syndrome. So, with this, you are securing an entire year's worth of all magnetotherapy in one go. So, you've got two blocks that you'll generally use every six months that you've got in the bag there. So, you've got it.
There'll be 20 sessions of these. As you can imagine, we've only got one Bob, so we can only sell a few of them. There are only 20, so it is first come, first served. It is out there, so if you want to go in and switch off, the room's lovely, it's excellent, and you're in a little private space. You've got an Alexa there. You can listen to whatever music you want, chill out, listen to an audiobook, whatever you want to do, and just chill out for half an hour. It is glorious.